Wow! That's one tough kitty!
I have to say, I got a real huge chuckle when I saw this t-shirt! Okay, so my Pepsi almost snorted out my nose -- I have to remember not to take a mouthful while a page is loading!
"If you don't like cat hair... Get OFF the couch!" has to be one of the most hilarious cat t-shirts I have ever seen! And does that cat not look like he's serious?!! He's got some serious attitude! is the place that this feline calls home, and is available on all sorts of other styled tees in several different designs. I just loved this one so much!
Check out Tuff Kitty Designs by clicking on the shirt. (Don't worry, I don't think he'll hiss or take a swipe at you -- just don't mention the cat hair, as he's a little sensitive on that issue!)
So what do you think about this Tuff Kitty? How about leaving a comment about it? Until the next spoof of "Where'd you get that shirt?", catch you later!
I love Tough Kitty Too!
What is known as Cat'titude.
Hello, Debbie! I'm sorry for the flood.
May i ask you to consider my shop and my blog for your blog
I hear that Tuff Kitty is running for President! Gotta be better than the one we've got!
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