Rebel with a clue!
Is that a Rebel Flag she posted here? Why yes, it is a Rebel Flag! I'm a loving person, and would never ever promote hate, prejudice, or any other sort of negativity. (Okay, I hate liver, but you know what I mean!)
Do you find this flag offensive? If you do, then you may like to do as the shirt says... "If this flag offends you -- you need a history lesson" This very un-offensive shirt comes to you with pride from Rebel With A Clue, Southern Heritage Store.
As stated at their site:
"Show you are proud of your Southern Heritage and prove it's all about Pride and not Hate. Teach and learn the True History of our noble ancestors, History written by the victors is not always the truth, so do your homework and get both sides of the story before taking a stand. The products offered here promote Southern Heritage Not Hate, Love of God, and No Tolerance of Hate Groups or Racism. The Confederate Flag is all about Pride, it is not a symbol of Racism."
So check out their shop (by clicking on the shirt) and you'll be whistling Dixie when you do!
Any comments? Ya'll come back soon and see the latest shirt here at "Where'd you get that shirt?"
Great shirt! Great write up! Love reading your blog. Just wanted to share a little something I found out. The original Confederate flag was not "flag shaped" but square! The more recent rectangular flag is a Naval flag. Cool huh?
Thank You for displaying my shirt here I appreciate you.
On the Confederate Flag you are right the original Battle Flag was in fact square it is also called the ANV Flag(Army of Northern Virginia) a little known fact also is that the Confederate Battle Flag we are all used to seeing was never an official flag of the Confederacy it was only used on the Battle Field to distinguish it from the Union Flag. This flag is also mistakenly called the Stars and Bars. The Stars and Bars consists of 2 red stripes with 1 white stripe in the middle a blue square with 7 stars in a circle on the upper left(representing the original 7 states that seceeded),The Stars and Bars is the first official flag of the Confederacy. History is Cool when you take time to read it, Thanks for taking time to learn.
Rebel With A Clue
Thankyou for the extra knowledge!
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